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Inventory |

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picture) |
Bressingham Spire
$ 8.00 |
Monkshood are wonderful, old fashioned
perennials, perfectly suited for border plantings. This
selection has a neat, compact habit, bearing spikes of
deep violet-blue flowers on good strong stems that
should not require staking. Excellent for cutting.
Useful both in the garden as well as in mixed
containers. Plants prefer a site that will not dry out,
away from thirsty tree roots. In hot summer areas this
will need protection from afternoon sun. Easily divided
every 3 to 4 years, in early spring.
Size: 35" H. by 23" wide. |
c. 'Sun King'
$ 8.00
This tropical-looking beauty will add flair to your
landscape with its boldly
textured, brilliant gold foliage. It forms
a large clump topped with tiny white
flowers which give way to deep purpleblack
berries in fall.
Size: 3 feet x 3 feet
Bridal Veil
$ 8.00

This classic
white Astilbe will brighten up your shade garden with
its lacy, airy flower panicles. They stand above the
attractive deep green, glossy foliage. Makes a lovely
cut flower..
Size: 28" H. by
wide. |
$ 8.00

Queen of flowers for shady
areas, with their fluffy plumes. Bronzy-red
foliage in spring, later becoming green. Narrow
spikes of deep red.
Size: 30" H. by
wide. |
$ 8.00

This colorful
perennial will brighten up your shade garden with its
deep red, narrowly triangular flower plumes with
rose highlights. The foliage emerges bronze-red in
spring and then turns green by summer..
Size: 30" H. by
wide. |
Peach Blossom
$ 8.00

This classic
perennial will brighten up your shade garden with its
delicate peach flower plumes with a hint of pink. The
glossy, green foliage forms a full clump in the
Size: 24" H. by
wide. |
$ 8.00

floriferous selection of Astilbe forms a full,
compact clump of finely textured, green foliage.
Bunches of fragrant, fuchsia red, fuzzy, triangular
flower plumes are produced prolifically.
Size: 20" H.
by 20"
wide. |
Banana Boat
$ 8.00

accent plant for brightening up shade gardens,
pathways, or containers. Bright lemon or banana
yellow, 1” wide leaves have narrow, green margins and
stripes. Slowly creeps to form a dense mass of bold
textured foliage.
Size: 6 to 12" H.
by 12 to 15"
wide. |
Snow Cap
$ 8.00

accent plant for brightening up shade gardens,
pathways, or containers. Cream to bright white, wide,
strappy leaves have narrow, green stripes. Slowly
creeps to form a dense mass of bold textured
Size: 6 to 12" H.
by 12 to 15"
wide. |
Cimicifuga simplex
Black Snakeroot
$ 15.00

Bugbanes are late-season blooming
perennials, generally planted in rich moist woodland
situations. 'Brunette' is an exceptionally beautiful
selection, valued for its large Astilbe-like leaves of
purple black. Arching wands or bottlebrush spikes of
fragrant pale-pink flowers rise above the clump in early
fall. Great for cutting. In cool summer areas this will
grow well in sunny sites, otherwise choose a part-shade
location, protected from hot afternoon sun. Plants will
take about three years to develop into a mature clump. A
striking specimen!
Size: 70" high by 29" wide. |
Cimicifuga simplex
Black Snakeroot
$ 15.00
Bugbanes are late-season blooming
perennials, generally planted in rich moist woodland
situations. This is a variable strain, valued for its
large Astilbe-like leaves that range in color from deep
green to bronzy purple. Arching wands or bottlebrush
spikes of fragrant pale-pink flowers rise above the
clump in early fall. Great for cutting. In cool summer
areas this will grow well in sunny sites, otherwise
choose a part-shade location protected from hot
afternoon sun. Plants will take about three years to
develop into a mature clump. A striking
Size: 70" high by 29" wide. |
Adrian Bloom
$ 10.00

The various selections of
Fern-leaf Bleedingheart are valued for their compact
habit and long season of bloom. This selection forms a
vigorous clump of blue-green leaves, topped by clusters
of delicate, dangling heart shaped flowers in a bright
ruby-red shade. Excellent for edging, and very useful in
mixed containers and tubs. May be divided in fall or
early spring. Removing faded flowers regularly will
promote lots of new buds to form.
Size: 12" high by 18"
wide. |
$ 10.00
One of the most popular of
old-fashioned garden plants, Bleedinghearts burst into
flower in late spring. Plants form a bushy, upright
mound of light green foliage, with a somewhat ferny
appearance. Dangling bright-pink locket flowers are held
on arching stems, and these are excellent for cutting.
Performs best in a rich, moist soil with partial shade,
or at least protection from hot afternoon sun. After
flowering, the plants should be sheared back to 6 inches
tall, to rejuvenate the foliage.
Size: 35" high by 35"
wide. |
spectabilis "Alba"
$ 10.00

One of the most popular of
old-fashioned garden plants, Bleedinghearts burst into
flower in late spring. Plants form a bushy, upright
mound of light green foliage, with a somewhat ferny
appearance. Dangling white locket flowers are held on
arching stems, and these are excellent for cutting.
Performs best in a rich, moist soil with partial shade,
or at least protection from hot afternoon sun. After
flowering, the plants should be sheared back to 6 inches
tall, to rejuvenate the foliage.
Size: 35" high by 35"
wide. |
Echinacea Razzmatazz
$ 10.00
First Double-Flowered Echinacea the World has Ever Seen!
terrific adaptability to heat, humidity, cold, and
drought, from one end of the country to the other!
Like all Echinacea, Razzmatazz is totally
durable, disease-resistant, drought-tolerant, heat- and
humidity-loving, and untroubled by pests and diseases. A
native species (E. purpurea, the beloved Purple
Coneflower), it adapts to locations across the Canada
and the US., and doesn't mind less than ideal
Size: 23"
high by 18" wide. |
Fern Cystopteris bulbifera
$ 10.00
A distictive fern native to
Canada with soft green fronds producing bulbils.
These fall and rapidly develop into new plants. As
the most rapid spreading fern, growing to 16" hight,
it's well suited to shade gardens and as a ground cover
under trees. |
Fern Athyrium
$ 8.00
This taller fern produces
apple green fronds frosted with silvery white on dark
stems. Useful for brightening up the shade garden.
Forms an upright arching clump that is perfect for
the middle of the border..
Size: 3 ft. |
Cystopteris bulbifera
$ 8.00
A distictive fern native to
Canada with soft green fronds producing bulbils.
These fall and rapidly develop into new plants. As
the most rapid spreading fern, growing to 16" hight,
it's well suited to shade gardens and as a ground cover
under trees. |
Cystopteris bulbifera
$ 10.00
A distictive fern native to
Canada with soft green fronds producing bulbils.
These fall and rapidly develop into new plants. As
the most rapid spreading fern, growing to 16" hight,
it's well suited to shade gardens and as a ground cover
under trees. |
Fern Athyrium
$ 8.00
This impressive, tall
fern forms a broad clump of arching, silvery fronds
with green highlights and dark purple stems. It is
useful for brightening up the shade garden. Try
planting it in the middle of the border and using its
pretty fronds in fresh bouquets.
Size: 3 ft. |
Fern Athyrium
Lady in Red
$ 8.00
This lovely cultivar of
our native Lady Fern is distinguished by its deep
burgundy stems which contrast nicely with the dark
green, upright fronds. The stem color develops with
maturity. Very easy to grow in your shade garden.
Size: 24" high. |
Fern Dryopteris
$ 8.00
This colorful fern produces
lustrous young orange fronds that contrast
superbly with the glossy, deeper green coloring of
the older fronds. Best color is achieved in part sun.
Very easy to grow in a wide range of conditions.
Size: 24" high. |
Fern Athyrium Nipponicum
Japanese Painted
$ 8.00
Choice selection of
Japanese painted fern, having dark burgundy arching
stems and silvery fronds; best in sheltered areas.
Fantastic foliage for the shaded garden. 2004
Perennial plant of the year by Perennial Plant
Size: 24" high. |
Hakon Grass
All Gold
$ 8.00
This brilliantly colored
ornamental grass glows in the shade! It spreads
slowly to form a clump of semi-upright, gold to
chartreuse foliage. Morning sun draws out the gold
coloring. Reddish Brown flowers.
Size: 9 to 14" H. by 18
to 24" W. |
False Sunflower
$ 8.00

The longest flowering of the
tall daisy flowered perennials, with large single
golden daisies that bloom in succession over
several months. Native North American
Size" 48" H. by 24"
wide. |
Coral Bells
$ 8.00
Coral Bells Citronelle, Heuchera x villosa
'Citronelle' PPAF, is a flashy new sport of Heuchera
'Caramel'. The large lobed leaves are a striking
lime-yellow color that will definitely draw
attention in the garden! Since it is a villosa type,
Heuchera 'Citronelle' is a strong grower and sun
tolerant. The creamy white flowers in mid to late
summer are an added bonus, but this hot new Heuchera
is worthy of planting just for the foliage alone!
Very unusual and striking! Plant coral bells in
medium wet, well-drained soils, in full shade. They
look especially good around the edge of borders,
near variegated plants, woodland edges, rock
gardens, perennial borders, or in mass to form an
attractive ground cover. Excellent in partly shaded
borders, under trees, and even mixed into ornamental
containers on shady patios. Heuchera is susceptible
to rot, so good drainage is essential while roots
establish themselves.
Size: 12" H. by
wide. |
Coral Bells
$ 8.00

One of our finest and still considered a
“plum.” The color is beyond burgundy . . . a shimmering
plum purple. Shiny foliage and a tight habit. Excellent
foil for variegated, silvered and golden plants. Gold
medal winner VKC Nieuw, Belgium ‘96.
Size: 26" H. by 18"
wide. |
An exciting new Ligularia
with the deepest maroon/black leaves and orange
daisy-like flowers. Grow in fertile, moisture retentive
soil in full sun or partial shade.
Size: 36" to 48"
H. by 36" wide. |
$ 10.00
Large handsome purplish
leaves, contrasting branching heads of bright-orange
daisies. An unforgettable combination.
Size: 36" to 48"
H. by 36" wide. |
Dentata Othello
The most commonly seen
species with its large green rhubarb-like rounded leaves
that form a large clump. Tall spikes of
golden-yellow flowers put on a great show at the back of
a summer border. Excellent waterside
specimen. Heat tolerant.
Size: 36" to 48"
H. by 36" wide. |
$ 8.00

A species native to the
eastern US, this select form has rich bronze-purple
leaves, forming a loose upright clump. The nodding
yellow flowers contrast beautifully. Although this
spreads to from a patch, it is not too
Size: 36" H. by 24"
Jacob Cline
$ 8.00
Beebalm is a traditional
favourite for the perennial border, with a striking
display of richly-colored flowers through the summer
months. This selection features bright scarlet red
flowers, arranged in large, shaggy heads. Foliage is
delightfully fragrant, and significantly more resistant
to powdery mildew than most older varieties. A favourite
of both butterflies and hummingbirds. Beebalm spreads
quickly: reduce clump size in early spring. Garden
selections all have been bred from native North American
wildflower species. Flowers are edible.
Size: 47" H. by 27"
wide. |
Oenothera fruticosa
Evening Primrose, Sundrops
$ 8.00
Yellow Sundrops burst into a riot of
satiny flowers in early summer. This German selection
has large, bright yellow blooms over a long season,
contrasting well against a bushy mound of green foliage
with bronzy red highlights. Plants spread to form a
patch. Clumps should be divided every 2 to 3 years to
control the spread, and maintain a bushy habit. Selected
from a wildflower native to Eastern North America.
Drought tolerant once established.
Size: 23" H. by 23"
wide. |
Painter's Pallett
$ 10.00
Painter's Palette' is an
upright, spreading, herbaceous perennial with oval
leaves that are variegated green, yellow, pink and
cream. In late summer it has inconspicuous red flowers.
24' H. by 24' wide. |
Rudbeckia fulgida
Goldstorm Coneflower
$ 8.00
Among the best border perennials
available, this is a selection of one of our native
North American wildflowers. Plants make a bushy, upright
clump with a profuse display of brown-eyed,
golden-orange daisies from midsummer through the fall.
Seedheads have good winter interest. A terrific choice
for mass planting, combining especially well with
ornamental grasses. Excellent for cutting. Removing
faded flowers regularly will greatly increase the
blooming time. Plants may be easily divided in early
spring. Attractive to butterflies. A former Perennial
Plant of the Year in 1999.
Size: 29" H. by 23"
wide. |
Rudbeckia magnus
Purple coneflower
$ 8.00
A selection of our most popular native
North American wildflower with larger, more vibrantly
colored flowers than the species. From a central brown
cone the rose-pink petals are held flat, rather than
drooping like the species. Coneflowers bloom in summer
and fall , forming a showy, upright clump which is a
favourite feeding station for many butterflies. Seed
heads are useful in dried arrangements. Plants may be
easily divided in early spring. Self-sown plants can
also be moved at that time. Excellent for cutting.
Selected as Perennial Plant Plant of the Year in
Size: 39" H. by 23"
wide |
Prairie Cup
$ 8.00
Native Hedge screen.
Size: 8 feet
Height. |
Purple Profusion
$ 8.00

This is one of several new American
hybrid selections, which are a real improvement on the
older varieties. Narrow grassy green foliage forms a
compact mound that is studded with a summer-long display
of small triangular rich royal-purple flowers. Flowering
will continue all summer if old blooms are removed.
Spiderworts appreciate a moist, rich soil, and will even
tolerate wet sites beside a stream or pond. Trim back in
midsummer if plants get scruffy. Clumps may be easily
divided in early spring. Attractive to
Size: 18" H. by 23"
wide. |